Member Idea #428: Tit Spikes

So this member writes in and says HEY WHY DONT YOU PUT BIG SPIKES IN MODELS TITS and I'm like Icantdothatsirtheywontletme but he's like NO NOT THROUGH MODELS TITS BUT POKING THEM FROM THE FLOOR UP and I'm like OhIseewhatyoumeanIlltrythat and he's like THAT'S GREAT and so I went to the shop and made some.

So then this model comes in and I said TAKE OFF ALL YOUR CLOTHES AND HERE PRESS UP AGAINST THESE HUGE TIT SPIKES and she's like SurefinewhateverItsyourmoney and I said HAHAHA I BET THAT HURTS BITCH and she's like Umnotreally and I said OH...WELL I GUESS I HAVE TO MAKE THEM SHARPER NEXT TIME SORRY.
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